Monday, April 18, 2005

A Possible Career Move?

As office administrator at the UU church were I attend, part of my responsibility is to make announcements from the pulpit. I have been speaking from the pulpit for several weeks now. In fact, our minister is in the pulpit this week and she specifically requested me as her lay reader because she likes my manner of speaking and respects the way I handle myself on the alter.

After this past weeks service, we had a pot luck. I was sitting with a few graphic or educational artists (I always seem to surround myself with a good crowd to talk with). One of the persons said, "so David, tell me, when will you be going to seminary to become a UU minister?" I was stunned and taken aback. She then said, "really, I see you as a UU minister. You'd be a good one." I was still stunned but said that wasn't my path. Now what makes her so sure I would make a good minister? Is it the same qualities that I feel would make me a good art therapist? Where I go from here is anyone's guess.

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