Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bleary Eyed

I can tell this is not going to be a deep, philosophical post because I am tired. I think I've been tired for weeks now. Graduation is supposed to be a freeing experience. People ask, "aren't you excited?" I say, "I will be once I finish teaching my class, grading projects and finals, finish writing my thesis, complete my CV and cover letter, make reservations for my elderly mother to attend my graduation, give directions to family members on how to navigate to the actual location, finish sending invites, defend my thesis artwork, clean my room in preparation for visitors etc. You see, nothing much to worry about.
I should be happy. Actually, I've had moments of happiness but they are usually washed away by the realization that all this other stuff is keeping me from concentrating on a job to pay off the chunk of student loan I have. And of course, instead of the bank saying, "congratulations, you've earned a degree," the letter reads, "we see that you are about to graduate making you eligible for your student loan repayment." Real nice bedside manners that bank has don'tcha think?

Why am I complaining? I've heard that i now have a much higher earning potential with a master's. That may be so, just point me to the nearest job and we'll see. I'm anxious to start but I'm too tired to think.

Maybe a few months off after graduation isn't so bad after all!

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